
Mourning for Richard Levy

We mourn the death of Prof. Richard Levy, one of the meritorious early researchers of antisemitism. He supported us for a long time as a translator in the context of both the Key Documents Edition and the Stumbling Stones Biographies with great professional knowledge and linguistic sensitivity. We are very grateful to him for this important work and will miss it all the more painfully in the future.

Obituary published in the Chicago Sun-Times:

Reinhard Rürup (1934-2018)

Reinhard Rürup passed away last Friday, April 6, 2018, at the age of 83. We are deeply saddened by this loss. Reinhard Rürup has critically accompanied and actively supported the project from the very beginning as a member ouf our advisory board . We thank him for his great commitment and hope that we can continue to live up to the confidence he has placed in our project. He will leave a big gap as a scholar and as a human being.


Annette Haller (1958–2017)

Annette Haller died on September 16th far too early. Annette Haller has been an active member of the advisory board of our key documents edition from the first moment on, and has always been at our disposal for discussions. We would like to thank her for this important support. We will miss her qualified advice and kindness. We are deeply affected by her loss.

The obituary of the Germania Judaica can be found at