Author: Daniel Burckhardt

On the occasion of its 50th birthday: The IGDJ goes digital

Launch of the digital anniversary project and reception

Thursday, 22.09.2016 18:00 to 21:00

The Institute for the History of German Jews (IGDJ) turns 50! On this occasion, the institute presents itself and its digital jubilee project “Key Documents of German-Jewish History”. The online edition virtually reunites the Jewish heritage of the city, which is scattered throughout the world due to migration and persecution, making it accessible to the whole world and preserving it for future generations. You are welcome to join this launch followed by a reception. At the same time, this is an opportunity to view an exhibition on research on Nazi looted books carried out by the IGDJ and the Stabi.

Location: Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg, Lichthof, entrance Edmund-Siemers-Allee / corner Grindelallee

Interview with Thomas Fache and Dr. Anna Menny on L.I.S.A.

In its latest edition, the online periodical “Medaon – magazine for Jewish life in research and education” has dealt with the importance of digitization for Jewish history. On this occasion, L.I.S.A. interviewed the editors Thomas Fache and Dr. Anna Menny about “Medaon” as a whole and the issues raised in this focus issue on digitization. What specific possibilities does the digital age offer with regard to researching Jewish history? Which topics and approaches are made possible? How does networking work? And what role does the online magazine “Medaon” play?

Medaon issue on digital Jewish history

The latest issue of the online magazine Medaon was just released. Titled “Interim Promises and Challenges. Perspectives on the relationship between digitization and Jewish history”, it focuses on the subject of digital Jewish history. This edition was developed in collaboration with the Institute for the History of the German Jews (IGDJ) in Hamburg and the Netzwerk Jüdische Geschichte digital.